About Osvita
About Osvita

Every year Osvita organizes a Testimonial Banquet. The event annually honours prominent Ukrainian Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their community.
Proceeds from this dinner are capital funds to be held in perpetuity, the income generated is used to help achieve the objectives of the organization.
Contributions – both individual and corporate – to the Foundation can be made at any time throughout the year, with charitable receipts issued to all donors.
Clearly leadership was shown, and continues to be shown, by the organizers desire to establish a fund to support the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program, with the foresight that public funding would not be sustained over the years. The Osvita Foundation is eligible to receive funding through the Leave a Legacy program, an international campaign to increase public awareness about the importance of charitable giving through planned gifts, bequests, or other estate gifts. The Osvita Foundation is joining scores of other Manitoba charitable organizations by taking the lead in promoting the Leave a Legacy educational campaign. Make a lasting difference in Manitoba… leave a legacy.
Make a donation now!
Please provide your full name and address if you would like to receive a charitable receipt. Cumulative donations in excess of $50.00 are made public at the Osvita Banquet in the form of a Donor Book.
Our Mission
Our Mission
The Osvita Foundation’s Objectives are to:
- Ensure that each child in Manitoba has the opportunity to communicate fluently in Ukrainian.
- Promote the development of the English Ukrainian Bilingual program in Manitoba’s public and parochial schools.
- Promote increased awareness of Ukrainian Canadian cultural heritage.
- Promote an understanding of Canada’s cultural and linguistic diversity.
Our Mission
Osvita Board Members:
Tami Kowal-Denisenko – President
Paulette Monita – Vice President
Vacant – Secretary
Jared Mickall – Treasurer
Marianna Cap – Member-at-Large
Karen Johnston – Member-at-Large
Nataliya Shylov – Member-at-Large
Advisory Board
Lesia Szwaluk
Dr. Myroslav Shkandrij
Marijka Kulyk
Val Noseworthy
Susan Zuk