About Dzvin
About Dzvin

The development of these materials is desired to be consistent with the needs of teachers, coordinated with the development of materials by the educational community and should respond to educational and market needs and trends.
Our Mission
Our Mission
In general, to support and promote the development of the Ukrainian language and culture.
Specifically, to conduct research with the aim of developing publishing Ukrainian print and non-print material for use in the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Specifically, to coordinate the development of these materials with other Canadian institutions and with educators involved in the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
- To develop and publish supplementary material for Ukrainian language instruction and/or enrichment.
- To develop and publish curriculum-support material for Ukrainian language instruction.
- To develop and publish Ukrainian materials for the educational and commercial markets.
- To republish existing Ukrainian materials for the educational and commercial markets.
- To translate and publish existing English-language materials for the educational and commercial markets.
- To participate in the joint development of learning resources and educational resource centres with Manitoba Education, ELUC and other agencies.